This is an invitation for anyone with a constructive commentary on President Obama and his administration to add it to this Blog.
The President

Obama looks ahead
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
A Violent Nation Under God
After every mass murder in the United
States , there is a Tsunami-sized wave of
excited chatter about causes and necessary remedial strategies. The cycle of
“ins” and “outs” follows, that is, introspection and outrage. The hullabaloo
lasts for a couple months at best, and fades into the wind, usually overtaken
by some outrageously trivial matter of “public interest” or some politically
devised crisis.
is a nation where powerful people determine, if not decide, the nature of the
public discourse, and, more importantly, the corrective actions to be taken. In
the case of violence, and the inevitable gun debate, the dialogue is driven by
demoniacs of the infamous gun lobby, the National Rifle Ass-ociation. Presently
a completely demented man is the head and mouth organ of that body, a certain
Wayne LaPierre. “O Judgement, thou has fled to brutish beasts and men have lost
their reason!” The utterances and perspectives of this man, in any truly sane
society would justify a public hanging.
Au contraire, he has, we
understand, the undying support of many of the so-called “Christian” right, who
were once accused with much public uproar and opprobrium, of clinging to their
guns, as though somehow this was an inaccurate statement.
Always, after each senseless
killing spree, the pressing question demanding an urgent answer is: WHY? What
caused it? What was the perpetrator motivated by?
Always the painful lament is: “this
has never happened in this wonderful quiet neighbourhood and he was such a nice
boy… quiet demeanour…offspring of a good, upstanding family,” and so on.
Although the question is asked,
the real answer is deliberately ignored, seldom posited. It is too raw and
painful to acknowledge.
Modern America
was founded on violence, and violence is embedded in the psyche of the nation. The
Wild West was not an accident or imaginary literary creation. The White man
penetrated and overran the country killing every resisting and even passive Indian
in sight and making the John Wayne archetype, the hero of the nation who could
do no wrong. Every little boy grew up adoring and emulating that imaginary gunslinger,
playing “cowboys and Indians”, the national sport. The merciless, indiscriminate
slaughter of the Indians, the aboriginals, to clear the land for the white
people left a trail of misery and hardship for the defenceless peoples, but
most tragically, an indelible scar on the hearts of the vulnerable children of
the nation.
Then follows, true to form, the unspeakable
violence and brutality of Slavery and the Jim Crow era; the lynching of black
men, the burden carriers of the nation, at a whim, while insensitive onlookers
gazed on with glee and amusement. Little white boys grew up unconsciously thinking
that this was a desirable norm, a pattern of behaviour to be emulated to
achieve one’s sadistic, narcissistic goals.
Idiots dressed in sheets ranged the land like mad marauders, slaughtering
blacks and destroying their property and livelihoods, with impunity, while
their impressionable young sons and daughters witnessed the spectacle or even
participated vicariously.
Then there follows the murderous
era of the Mob and the era of unspeakable gang violence, the seeds of which are
still germinating today, in the enlightened 2000s!
On a Sunday in September, 1963,
when all good Christians should have been on their knees at church, a white man
places a bomb under the steps of the
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, (a Church, Good Heavens!!) killing
four little black girls Denise McNair (11), Addie Mae Collins (14), Carole
Robertson (14) and Cynthia Wesley (14).
The four girls had been attending
Sunday school classes at the church. Reportedly, twenty-three other people were
also hurt by the blast. The infamous Ku Klux Klansmen were held responsible.
On the night of June 21, 1964 three Civil Rights workers, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner are beaten, killed and buried in Mississippi by Klu Klux Klansmen.
During the various seasons of
murder and mayhem in America ,
gunmen have taken the lives of the country’s national leaders, Abraham Lincoln,
James Garfield, William McKinley, John and Robert Kennedy, Medgar Wiley Evers and Martin Luther
King, and attempted the assassination of many others.
In the 1970s
a white preacher, James "Jim" Jones, persuaded over 900 mostly black
church adherents to migrate to Guyana in search of an idyllic life he offered, and
led them in 1978 in a mass suicide. Of the 914 members of the church who drank
the cyanide coolaid Jones served them in Jonestown, over 200 were children.
A recent Mother Jones magazine investigation conducted by Mark Follman, Gavin Aronsen and Deanna Pan documented
over 60 mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and 2012. The
combined toll (fatalities and injuries) was 1007, an average of roughly 17 innocent souls
per shooting spree.
Among the most notorious of these
were: the 1984 McDonalds Restaurant massacre in California, where 41-year old
James Oliver Huberty shot 41; the Stockton School shooting where in 1989 26-year old Patrick Purdy shot 35; the Luby’s
massacre in Texas in 1991 where 35-year old George Hennard shot 44 people; the Long
Island railroad massacre in New York in 1993 where 35-year old Colin Ferguson (alas,
a black imitator) shot 25 people ; the 1994 shooting in Washington where
20-year old Dean Allen Mellberg shot 28; the 1998 Thurston High School shooting
in Oregon where an expelled student shot
29, the 1999 Columbine High School massacre in Colorado where Eric Harris and
Dylan lebold shot 39; the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 where Seung Hui Cho
shot 56, the Fort Hood shooting in Texas in 2009 where Nidal Malik Hassan shot 43; the Aurora
theatre shooting in 2012 where 24-year old James Holmes shot 70 people; and
most recently the Newtown primary school shooting in Connecticut where Adam Lanza
shot 30, mostly infants.
In 1995 a young idealist Timothy Mc Veigh was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing which killed 168 people,
including 19 children under 6 years old, in what was labelled “the worst
terrorist attack on American soil” up to that time. More than 600 people were
also injured in the attack.
We do not have the time to detail the endless stream of individual killings,
official brutalities and merciless acts of violence that have cluttered the
American landscape.
But sadly it is not only physical violence that perpetuates the historical
carnage and threatens the destruction of the country.
Violent free speech has been just as
pernicious as physical murder; no more was such freedom more manifest than in
the campaigns that brought the first Black President, Black Barack Obama into
the White House. During the last couple elections the waving of guns and demands
for gun rights reached a feverish pitch. Not only did the show of guns take on
new currency during that period, but in both elections the speech violence directed
at the President was heavily accentuated. Republican spokesmen such as John Sununu,
Louis Gohmert, Sean Hannity and Pat Buchanan to name just a few of the most crazed and outlandish,
excelled each other in the language of incitement and spewing violence in
speech against the President.
This violent speech has led to
attitudes and thoughts that virtually spelled war against those “not like me”. Added
to that is the violence of exclusion and poverty; the violence of greed which
creates great disparities and animosities between social groups, the violence
of racial slur and innuendo, the violence of prejudice and inequity, the violence of fear
mongering, the violence of partisanship gone mad, the violence of
obstructionism against which people feel violated and helpless.
It’s like a poison flowing through
the rivers of the land from which the impressionable youth drink, like coolaid,
All this violent talk and mayhem causes the
little boys to develop a desire to take up arms and destroy the neighbourhood;
gripped by an incomprehensible fear and insecurity and the unresolved youth
phobias that have never been healed.
When on the 14th of December 2012 , 20 year
old Adam Lanza walked into a school and
mowed down 20 infants and their six teachers as though he were on the
battlefields of Viet Nam,
he was virtually fulfilling the history of his nation, or he perhaps would say, his
destiny. Once again, for the umpteenth time, the nation went into outrage mode.
Missed in the hysteria and furor,
is the irony of a woman, blinded by fear of unknown forces, who stocks up an
armoury of lethal weapons in her home, to protect herself from the horrible
invaders, only to have the weapons used to take her own life .
Lanza’s mother is persuaded, by
people like LaPierre, that the authorities are coming to take away her guns, while
her unsuspected adversary is in reality her own misguided son, the very son she
nurtured within the walls of her home and who is living under her roof. It
turned out that her fear was hopelessly, fatally misdirected. She really had nothing to
fear but fear itself, and that fear snatched away her life and the life of her
son and 20 beautiful babies and with them the hearts of their mothers and
fathers, sisters and brothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, left to mourn for the rest of their lives.
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