
This is an invitation for anyone with a constructive commentary on President Obama and his administration to add it to this Blog.

The President

The President
Obama looks ahead

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

When will America honour its high constitutional ideals, especially that “all are created equal”?

Michael White
We address the Christian right in America. They are described as the Evangelicals (Gospel-spreaders, one assumes). They are all proudly “born-again” (renewed, recreated, presumably in the image of Christ). They don’t miss church on Sunday; they talk of Christ incessantly. He is their point of reference and the basis of their ideals. They own Him. They attach themselves, in the main, to the  Republicans. Good, honest people, free from “every semblance of evil”.
The Tea Party claims to advocate their interests and values. They are in short, the elite, literally God’s kingdom here on earth. In the old days they might have been called Scribes and Pharisees, I think; or less charitably, “whitewashed”.
But here is my difficulty.
The last Presidential campaign was one of the most racist, divisive, if sometimes subtle, spectacles we have witnessed in America since the heyday of Jim Crow  and the cross burnings in the yards of “the blacks.”
The Tea Party and the Republicans did not even try to camouflage their true intent this time around. They were overtly racist. It was patently clear for anyone who has eyes to see or ears to hear.
Yet it seems their mission is to divide the American Christian church, by their words and so many of their actions. We must suppose then, that racism comports with the best precepts of the Good Book.
For context, the following is an extract from my book: “Christ Divided”.
“{A most}obnoxious spectacle is the divide between the black church and the white church! It has been cryptically and accurately observed that the most segregated time in America is Sunday morning when everyone is at Church!
Racism is at the core of the black-church/white-church phenomenon. We are comfortable in our people groups and all have an affinity to go where we are comfortable. In some ways the rationale is simple and easily understood; ethnic groups feel they have traditions and ways of expressing their faith that are respectable, and unique to their own history and traditions. But is comfort a legitimate basis for Christian unity? Racial inferiority/superiority is a tradition and like all traditions it dies hard.
Racism is the most persistent and prevalent sin in the world and in the church. For the most part it’s a subtle consciousness that reveals itself in a thousand ways, in attitudes, demeanours, responses, looks and statements. Racism is the last great frontier in human affairs to be overcome and the besetting sin for many. It is the most frightening of sins to the believer and we are required to strive hard to put it aside so that we can get on with the work of the Lord. “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews12:1).
Have some risen above it? Undoubtedly, there are many who have become painfully aware of its poison and strive to lay it to rest in their hearts; many have succeeded. But the church as a body still has to exorcise this evil. God will not countenance it and He will not heed our prayers until we are clean of this stain. We are challenged to renew our minds with some brand new thinking. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians10:5).”
Now that Obama and his supporters have overcome, can we perhaps anticipate some degree of sincerity and cordiality in the great American debate? Can we begin to see Christianity at work in at least the utterances of  McConnell, Limbaugh, Romney, Cantor, McCain,  Graham, and the rest? Can we hold our collective breaths in hopeful expectation that the winter of racial animus has passed?
I know. A pipedream.


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